If you watch the movie Sucker Punch and don't get it, you're an idiot. If you complain about lack of character development, you're still an idiot. And if you wish this movie had a small romantic narrative (which is what destroys every other Hollywood picture with an ounce of promise), yep, congratulations, you're a bonafide idiot.
This movie leaves out the unnecessary and does what is necessary: creating a dream-like world for the viewer to escape into, be entertained and made to think ... at least a little bit. It was better than I expected. I didn't think it would be able to hold my interest (so many Hollywood films are so formulaic that few do anymore) but thankfully it did and I can even say, I really enjoyed it.
Sucker Punch crosses a variety of genres to suit nearly everyone with a predilection to fantasy, soft porn, war, action, thriller, and science fiction. There's dragons, World War 1 planes, hot women, robots, big guns, small guns, plenty of chases, swords, cool moves, great music, great scenes, cool camera angles/movements and a gorgeous blonde girl with pig tails and a short skirt leading the charge. Sound good?
I don't want to ruin it. Trust me, if you're a guy or a girl who likes any of these things, you'll be thoroughly entertained. My wife and I loved it. My wife even more than me. But she's a BIG Angelina Jolie fan (no, she's not in Sucker Punch) so she loves seeing strong female characters in films, especially action films. Plus, it reminded both of us of Kick Ass, especially the strong female character from that film, Hit-Girl. It's almost as if the makers of Sucker Punch said "Let's take Hit-Girl and make her older so it's ok for guys to like her." Hence the lead character in Sucker Punch is Baby Doll ... and I love her.
It is pleasant to see a very different kind of popular film come out of Hollywood. Don't get me wrong, this definitely has its similarities but it gets high marks from me for at least trying to screw with the regular model just a little bit. The fact that so many people are whining about the kind of things I mentioned in the opening paragraph of this 'review' demonstrates this film has upset some viewers who just can't process anything less than stock standard film narrative and style. Don't be one of them, get out there and see Sucker Punch ... it will be a cult classic in no time. Make up your own mind. I'd love to hear what you think.
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