Monday, 11 April 2011

Uh Oh! GaGa Made a Boo Boo.

This is it. The beginning of the end for Lady Gaga. Fate has struck her down in concert as a symbol of her impending spiral towards permanant insignificance. Marilyn Manson wants his hemorrhoid back.

That's all she is. A pop version of Marilyn Manson.

But what she seems like to me is something spawned from Marilyn Manson's anus that was banded and removed but took on a life of its own.

Unfortunately for the rest of us, this has meant having to listen to her music: she itches, she annoys, she burns, she bleeds and she's used to regular contact with faecal matter ... and these days with the current state of popular music, so are we.

Anyway, she took a tumble! Tried to straddle a piano and a piano stool at the same time and ended up like a poo poo in a baby's nappy (if only she was as easily disposable) laid out crippled on the floor . This shows how little contact she has had with musical instruments throughout her life. Anyone who knows anything about music knows you don't stand on drum stools and you don't stand on piano stools. They are notoriously unstable.

But as I was saying earlier, this is the first sign of her impending downward spiral. From here it can only get worse (or better depending on your opinion). I wouldn't advise (or maybe I would) Gaga try using any trapeze wire equipment in future shows. And her use of fire will eventually blow up in her face. Leave it to the experts Gaga:


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